Environmental Consultation, Professional Advice, and Solutions


24 August 2023

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Environmental Consultation, Professional Advice, and Solutions:


Our firm’s specialized capabilities are in high demand among clients operating within some of the world’s most intricate, technically rigorous, and swiftly evolving industries. These clients turn to us for our comprehensive consulting, advisory, and environmental services, which serve to provide lucidity, establish appropriate agendas, and yield concrete and measurable outcomes.

Central to our service philosophy is the cultivation of enduring relationships with our clients. By deeply comprehending their objectives and ambitions, we are empowered to furnish customized solutions that yield advantages not only for our clients but also for the global ecosystem we all share.

Our differentiating factor lies in our extensive practical acumen. While possessing a grasp of the theoretical foundations of a strategy remains imperative, it is the wealth of hands-on experience specific to various sectors that permits us to discern potential hazards and openings at an early stage, and to employ cutting-edge insights in tackling the distinct challenges presented by each industry
Here is a brief overview of the consulting, advisory, and environmental services that we offer:


Management Consultancy:

In the realm of management consultancy, we offer a cadre of adept advisors and project management specialists dedicated to guiding organizations through intricate and highly regulated landscapes. Our clientele seeks our adeptness in enhancing efficiency, elevating operational prowess, and optimizing expenditure. Collaboratively, we engage in shaping essential frameworks, protocols, technological integrations, and operational paradigms, thus materializing their aspirations for a more seamless and efficient operational landscape. Our operational methodology encompasses the subsequent pivotal constituents:


Customized, Impartial Advisory Services:

Our provision encompasses impartial counsel and active support extended across a diverse spectrum of clients, spanning from private enterprises to governmental entities and tightly governed sectors. By meticulously evaluating the idiosyncratic obstacles encountered by each establishment, we conceive customized strategies and undertakings that empower them to attain their objectives and effectuate noteworthy enhancements. Our cadre of management consultants introduces a fusion of proficiency and pragmatic acumen to the discourse.


Strategic Design and Execution:

Backed by an extensive legacy spanning more than a century, we command tangible expertise in effecting transformative change that transcends theoretical constructs. Our verifiable history attests to our prowess in reshaping entities, foundational systems, and even urban landscapes. Our consultancy cohort delivers precise and directed direction, enabling clients to flourish within the ever-evolving realms of digital enterprise. Furthermore, we steadfastly guarantee the punctual and fiscally prudent delivery of initiatives and ventures.


Enabling Digital Evolution:

In the intricately interwoven landscape of today’s business environment, the trajectory of success for our clientele hinges upon embracing digital transformation. By harnessing the potential of emerging technologies and innovative business paradigms, our clients can instigate cultural and organizational metamorphoses that culminate in elevated outcomes. The infusion of digital technologies also catalyzes the development of more streamlined and adaptable enterprises, concurrently curbing operational expenses.

Our extensive proficiency in engineering, systems architecture, and technology confers a sense of assurance upon our digital transformation patrons. This assurance emanates from our adeptness in conceptualizing, constructing, operationalizing, and capitalizing upon substantial assets, whether tangible or digital in nature. It is this very expertise that bestows upon us the confidence of our clients to orchestrate large-scale endeavors within meticulously regulated and safeguarded domains.

At the core of our methodology resides a resolute commitment to a human-centric ethos. We eschew the mere adoption of state-of-the-art technologies in isolation from the overarching mission. Instead, we foster collaboration with our clients to discern the most fitting approach, orchestrating the attainment of their envisioned outcomes. This encompasses strategic considerations like optimal architecture, software configurations, hardware implementations, cyber resilience, business models, and cultural alignment. Our conviction centers around the paramount role of our clients’ personnel and customers in the journey of digital transformation.

Our repertoire of digital transformation services encompasses an array of offerings, including comprehensive readiness assessments, the formulation of digital vision and strategy, seamless integration of digital delivery, the application of agile methodologies within intricate contexts, and adept management of digital programs and projects.

During every stage of a project’s lifecycle, we collaborate closely with our clients to provide our expertise in Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety (RAMS) considerations.

Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety (RAMS):

Our initial assistance involves setting up a robust process or methodology for RAMS, drawing upon established industry standards. Our team of experts is adept at guiding the implementation of RAMS approaches for projects or companies.

To ensure the creation of dependable systems, we conduct proactive predictive studies on reliability and availability. By doing so, we guarantee that the system’s design is geared towards unwavering performance.

The implementation of a Failure Reporting, Analysis, and Corrective Action System (FRACAS) is another area where we offer our support. Our comprehensive solutions cover all aspects of FRACAS, from setup to ongoing monitoring, facilitating a thorough follow-up process.

Our team specializes in targeted reliability analyses. This includes advanced techniques such as Petri net modeling, Markov analysis, and Weibull, Monte Carlo, or Duane model analysis. These methodologies allow us to accurately assess reliability growth and potential issues.

In addition to our technical services, we provide tailored training and awareness programs. These programs cater to various aspects ranging from procurement and project management to technical operations and maintenance. Our professionals craft these programs to precisely match our clients’ needs and requirements.

Integrated Logistics Support (ILS):

Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) serves as a pivotal strategy, intertwining with maintainability studies to infuse maintenance considerations into the initial phases of system design.

According to research findings, approximately 40% of the total cost is attributed to system procurement, leaving the remaining 60% allocated to maintenance, spare parts, workforce, documentation, tools, and related expenses. Our adept team specializes in dissecting these components within a project, thereby elevating system efficiency and streamlining the facets crucial for its continuous maintenance and support.

Verification and Validation (V&V):

Verification and Validation (V&V) activities stand as cornerstones for project triumph. They ensure the seamless integration of technical and safety requisites across the design and delivery spectrum. This encompasses manufacturing, installation, and testing phases. Our iterative V&V approach serves as a proactive measure for clients, enabling the early detection of potential deviations. By doing so, we curtail financial risks and underscore system safety. Leveraging our extensive background in system integration and assurance, we extend our support by conducting independent reviews of requirements at key project junctures.


Social & Environmental Impact Assessment:

The fulcrum of our approach rests on Social & Environmental Impact Assessment, recognizing that our clients’ triumph hinges on a profound understanding of their project’s implications for both the environment and the neighboring community. Our accomplished team offers adept guidance on regulatory requisites, steering comprehensive environmental and social impact assessments to meticulously gauge potential repercussions. Subsequently, we collaborate closely with our clients to formulate strategic interventions aimed at mitigating adverse effects, thus ensuring a project that resonates positively with all stakeholders involved.

Our team of impact assessment experts, enriched with global experience, adeptly navigates the spectrum from project planning and feasibility studies to securing facility approvals, permits, and overseeing environmental management during the construction phase. Our technical virtuosos specialize across pivotal environmental domains encompassing acoustics, air quality, ecological balance, landscape integrity, and cultural heritage preservation. Whether the endeavor entails a significant transportation infrastructure overhaul or the revitalization of outdated industrial premises, our team stands poised to provide unwavering support.


Community engagement:

Community engagement surfaces as a common conundrum among our clientele – the art of bridging the gap between project initiators and the communities directly impacted by their endeavors. Our adept team endeavors to surmount this challenge by fostering avenues for productive cooperation, bolstering engagement levels, and devising solutions aligned with societal acceptance.


Wildlife, Vegetation, Fish & Aquatic Surveys

Our clients place their trust in our team’s extensive field experience, profound comprehension of flora and fauna, and up-to-date insights into policies and research when embarking on projects that intersect with vital ecosystems. Drawing upon the expertise of our environmental specialists, we equip our project designers and clients with the most accurate and relevant information. This proves particularly critical, as early

identification of ecological constraints expedites the permitting process by seamlessly integrating mitigation and compensation strategies into the project blueprint.


Environmental Construction Support & Permitting

Throughout the spectrum of construction projects, our clients find steadfast environmental support across various geographical locations. Our service spectrum encompasses four pivotal dimensions:

  1. Facilitating the acquisition of essential permits and approvals before the commencement of construction.
  2. Formulating comprehensive environmental management plans to steer environmentally-conscious efforts throughout the construction phase.
  3. Undertaking environmental monitoring aligned with the devised plan during construction.

Executing post-construction environmental monitoring to affirm the fulfillment of all environmental requisites.

Bolstered by our extensive global exposure, we adeptly address emerging challenges, ensuring that projects remain on a trajectory of compliance with all environmental regulations while addressing issues effectively.


The trajectory towards a sustainable future hinges on our ability to function within the confines of environmental, economic, and social boundaries, while adapting to a dynamic climate. Our clients are acutely aware of the imperatives of environment preservation and safeguarding, and we guide them in fostering a harmonious rapport with both the natural realm and regulatory frameworks.

From the embryonic stages of policy formulation, planning, and project inception, our team interlaces sustainability considerations seamlessly. Our purview extends to strategic assessments and services that unravel sustainability and climate change solutions for masterplans and projects. Proficiency in sustainable development and energy-efficient building practices is emblematic of our experts, spanning services encompassing green building consultation, LEED® (US & Canada), BREEAM (UK) project management, energy simulation modeling, energy audits, and building commissioning.



Our Expertise Encompasses Air Quality, Acoustics, Vibration & Climate Change

We take immense pride in our pivotal role in combatting climate change and advancing sustainable development.

Air Quality, Acoustics & Vibration :

A team comprising accomplished engineers, meteorologists, toxicologists, and skilled technicians collaborates to aid clients in diminishing noise and enhancing air quality within their operational realms. Tailored solutions, responsive to projects of varying magnitudes, emerge as our hallmark. We adeptly gather data and engineer balanced approaches to mitigate environmental risks encompassing noise, vibrations, air emissions, odors, and greenhouse gases. Our symbiotic partnership with clients persists throughout projects, overcoming challenges and setting new benchmarks for excellence. Our approach is customized to each unique project, accommodating design constraints, construction materials, and site-specific characteristics.


Climate Change :

The enduring success of our clients hinges on their ability to navigate an unpredictable world, with addressing climate change serving as a lynchpin. Our collective responsibility underscores the prediction, assessment, and mitigation of climate change’s impact on present and forthcoming generations.

In this pursuit, we remain at the vanguard of innovation, devising avant-garde methodologies and technologies to deliver sustainable solutions. Climate change introduces a complex yet pivotal opportunity to engineer resilient infrastructure and forge robust adaptation plans for our clients. Our experts provide strategic counsel on policy and regulation, climate change risk assessment, adaptive measures, climate resilience, and tools to address pivotal questions – from the impact of climate change on their organization to the optimal timing of actions and associated costs.

Governments and industrial stakeholders receive our support in monitoring and curtailing greenhouse gas emissions, accompanied by the development of economically viable and sustainable community blueprints.

Our expertise in physical and chemical hydrogeology assists customers in preparing for future uncertainties. We offer insights and solutions to safeguard against unpredictable developments.


Physical hydrogeology & hydrology :

Water is one of the most unpredictable forces on the planet, and environmental changes around the world are only increasing the problems this unpredictability can cause. From mines to agricultural land to highways, the impact of rainfall runoff, flooding and other enhanced erosion can have a potentially devastating effect on our clients’ projects.

Our water consulting services are designed to protect our clients against all eventualities. We employ our expertise in hydrogeology, hydrology, hydraulics, and water management to implement modelling tools that can quickly assess a range of scenarios to support project decision making. In particular, our 1D and 2D hydraulic modelling supports projects built where water collects and flows: bridges, culverts, dykes, dams, spillways, and pipe networks, to name some.

Whatever our clients’ projects entail, we make sure water is appropriately managed to prevent damage to the land and infrastructure. Protecting riverbanks from erosion, watersheds from contamination, and communities from flooding is key, and we draw on diverse expertise to achieve this:

  • Hydrologic modelling
  • Groundwater studies
  • Groundwater sourcing
  • Contaminant migration studies
  • Fluid storage requirements
  • Environmental assessments
  • Failure and inundation studies for dyke and dam audits, including tailings dams

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